Got Marketing?

As per our discussions in class and the recent chapter we read from AMAL create a criss-cross here with at least 10 entries. After it is generated, copy and paste it into a word doc and put your name on it. Customize it (font, size) and make sure it fits on one page. Then you will exchange it with another student in class. Do their puzzle and the go over each others work to check for understanding.
Creating a Franchise
Time to start thinking about where you want to locate your franchise. Remember you must choose as city that can support a professional team financially. You must also consider a market that is not saturated with entertainment/teams because the competition could hurt sales.
Use this site to start getting ideas on about your nickname, colors and logo. This is a critical part of developing your franchise because the implications to sell licenses and merchandise in the future is partly based on the marketability of your team name and logo. Try to develop something creative and catchy, but also that has relevance to the city.
Research logos on logoserver with your team and select three logos that you think have marketing appeal and may influence your decision. Write a brief synopsis of each.